Ilse Scheerlinck
Ilse Scheerlinck is Associate Professor at the Management and Strategy cluster of the Business Department. She has wide experience in teaching in international programs. Her research area focuses on business-and-government relations from an entrepreneurship perspective. She currently investigates how sharing economy companies seek legitimacy in city contexts such as Brussels. The research highlights the ecosystem in which companies such as Uber and Airbnb tend to operate in relation with incumbents, governments and users.
Economie en Bedrijfsleven
Research Methods for Business and Economics
Coordination Bachelor paper
Sharing Economy
Gig Economy
Market and Non-Market Strategies,
(Institutional) Entrepreneurship
Distelmans, M., & Scheerlinck, I. (2021). Institutional Strategies in the Ridesharing Economy: A Content Analysis Based on Uber’s Example. Sustainability, 13(14), [8037]. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13148037
Crispeels, T., Willems, J., & Scheerlinck, I. (2018). Public-Private Collaborations in Drug Development: Boosting Innovation or Alleviating Risk? Public Management Review, 20(2), 273-292. https://doi.org/10.1080/14719037.2017.1302247
Guldemont, T., Crispeels, T., & Scheerlinck, I. (2014). Technology Transfer at VIB. In O. Uecke, R. De Cock, T. Crispeels, & B. Clarysse (Eds.), Effective Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: Best Practice Case Studies in Europe (pp. 19-32). London, UK: Imperial College Press.
Crispeels, T., Huculeci, R. I., Willems, J., & Scheerlinck, I. (2013). Strategic and Innovation Networks in the Flanders Biotechnology Industry. In N. Pfefferman, T. Minshall, & L. Mortara (Eds.), Strategy and Communication for Innovations (2 ed., pp. 85-99). New York City, NY: Springer Publishing.
Scheerlinck, I., & Van Leeuw, F. (2006). Sustainable Development and Business Strategies: the Belgian Pharmaceutical Industry. In M. Pallemaerts, & A. Azmanova (Eds.), The EU and Sustainable Development: Internal and External Dimensions. (pp. 197-216). Brussels: VUBPRESS.
Scheerlinck, I., Hens, L. & S'Jegers, R. (2001). Why are some firms in Belgium more protectionist than others? Globalisation as a threat and an opportunity in a small open economy. In: Van den Bulcke D. en Verbeke A. (Eds.). Globalisation and the Small Open Economy (pp. 75-89). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Scheerlinck, I., Hens, L. M. A., & S’Jegers, R. (1998). On the Road to Transport Liberalisation? Belgian Road Hauliers’ Policy Preferences. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 32(3), 365–376. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20053779
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