Nanouk Verhulst
Nanouk Verhulst is a senior researcher at imec-SMIT and lecturer at the Business & Communication department. Her current research interests focus on studying the impact of innovative technologies on customers and employees in service settings. Her research mainly starts from an experimental angle while combining different methods (e.g., self-report, neuroscientific tools). Nanouk holds a master’s degree in Organizational Psychology (UGent) and in Management (KULeuven). Furthermore, she hold a Ph.D. in Business economics (UGent) and has been working as a post-doctoral researcher at the VUB since 2018. Her work has been published in Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Service Management, and Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
Digital Marketing Industries
Marketing (NL)
Master Thesis Pre-Doctoral Track
Neurophysiological Tool
Service Research
Verhulst, N., Vermeir, I., & Slabbinck, H. (2021). Viewpoint: using neuroscience tools in service research. Journal of Services Marketing, 35(2), 248-260. https://doi.org/10.1108/JSM-09-2019-0336
Verhulst, N., Vermeir, I., Slabbinck, H., Lariviere, B., Mauri, M., & Russo, V. (2020). A neurophysiological exploration of the dynamic nature of emotions during the customer experience. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 57, 1-13. [102217]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2020.102217
Verhulst, N., Keyser, A., Gustafsson, A., Shams, P., & Van Vaerenbergh, Y. (2019). Neuroscience in Service Research: An Overview and Discussion of Its Possibilities. Journal of Service Management, 30(5), 621-649. https://doi.org/10.1108/JOSM-05-2019-0135
Verhulst, N., Slabbinck, H., & Vermeir, I. (2019). Boosting service performance by dark chocolate seduction. Journal of Services Marketing, 33(5), 576-588 . https://doi.org/10.1108/JSM-01-2019-0026
Willems, K., Verhulst, N., & Brengman, M. (2021). How COVID-19 could accelerate the adoption of new technologies in services and retail. In S. H. Han, & J. Lee (Eds.), COVID-19 and the Future of the Service Industry Post-Pandemic: Insights and Resources (Vol. 2, pp. 103-134). Springer.
Brengman, M., Willems, K., & Verhulst, N. (2020). Online shoppen en innovatieve winkeltechnologieën in de lift dankzij COVID-19. In M. Brengman (Ed.), Post Viraal naar het Nieuwe Normaal (pp. 291-300). Brussel: VUBPRESS.