Stefanie Ceustermans
Stefanie Ceustermans is Assistant Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel at the department of Business (BUSI). Her research is situated in the field of Financial reporting, with a particular interest in private companies. She teaches BSc and MSc courses on financial accounting, management accounting and auditing.
Management Accounting
Jaarrekeninganalyse en auditing
Consolidatie van de jaarrekeningen
Introduction to Accounting and Finance
Financial and Managerial Accounting
Financial Reporting
Voluntary Disclosure
Earnings Management
Filing Lags
Selleslagh, T., Ceustermans, S., & Stas, L. (2021). Not All Late Filers Are the Same: Distinguishing between Differences in Filing Behaviour. Sustainability, 13(19), [10862]. https://doi.org/10.3390/su131910862
Saerens, F., & Ceustermans, S. (2021). Abbreviated or Micro-Entity Accounts? Effect of Financial Reporting Format on the Availability of Trade Credit. Sustainability, 13(15), [8137]. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13158137
Kerckhofs, L., Hardies, K., Vandenhaute, M-L., & Ceustermans, S. (2021). Starting Your Career at an Accounting Firm: The Role of Personality in Explaining Career Starts. Accounting Horizons, 35(1), 105-131. https://doi.org/10.2308/HORIZONS-2020-001
Ceustermans, S., Breesch, D., & Branson, J. (2017). Voluntary Disclosure of Sales and the Extent of Trade Credit in Small Private Companies. Accounting in Europe, 14(3), 388-406. https://doi.org/10.1080/17449480.2017.1282617
Ceustermans, S., & Breesch, D. (2017). Determinants of voluntary disclosure of sales in small private companies in Belgium. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, 28(2), 172-204. https://doi.org/10.1111/jifm.12055
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